Things That Piss Me Off In Fic

Jul 02, 2010 20:08

So I'm reading some Numb3rs fic and there was this one where Don kept calling Charlie 'Buddy'. Even in like the sex scenes. I was all 'dude, really? Seriously? Who does that?' Does Don call Charlie 'buddy' often in the series? Also, I've seen Don call Charlie 'Chuck' and Charlie get indignant, is that from an episode?

I guess something similar that I see a lot is the use of descriptors instead of names. That's just obnoxious. 'The taller man' 'The older man' 'The detective'. Just use their names, really. It's not overkill. I promise.

blah blah blah, fic, fandom: numb3rs, ranting, random, fandom

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