Good God Y'All (Or mini-vacay, Supernatural, and my Cat)

Sep 20, 2009 11:46

Hey y'all. So I disappeared for a few days there. I actually went down to the beach with my parents. I had a great time, ate way too much. But I'm glad to be back (no internet access there). I forgot my camera but my dad had his and got a Ton of awesome pictures that I'll definitely share as soon as he emails them to me.

The cat is doing a Million times better. He's eating and drinking on his own and is actually up and moving around (instead of laying on a towel on Hubby's desk).

And finally:

Dean's x-ray was AWESOME!!!! All those symbols, I want a good high quality screen shot of the X-Ray so I can study it. I also love that you could see it super clearly even without a decent amount of back lighting. That isn't really how it works. You need Lots of light to be able to see all the detail they showed. Silly research monkey's.

Castiel - having to 'resort' to using a cell phone to contact the boys. That was awesome.

Dean was so snarky in this episode. I adore Snarky!Dean. He is made of WIN!!!


I freaking Love that explanation. Granted I'd like to know more. But still. We've been wondering about the story behind the amulet since the beginning, and we got a little bit in the Christmas episode. Also, that it initially was meant for John but 'prophetically' ended up in Dean's possession is AWESOME with last seasons reveal that everyone kind of thought John would be the one to break the first seal.

The use of 'Spirit In The Sky' to overlay the montage of scenes in the town (Which reminded me of the town in Croatoan, am I the only one?) was AWESOME. Then the transition of having it playing in one of the abandoned cars, BRILLIANT Editing choice there.


Loved the 'What are we gonna do; arm up 'baby bump' here?' 'Cause in that situation I'd be torn as to whether I'd be willing to carry/use a gun being pregnant. It just doesn't sit right with me somehow.

Ellen's 'What happened, some girl come between you?' was Perfect. I literally said 'Yeah, Ellen, you could say that.' to my dad who looked at me like 'WTF are you talking about?' I was all 'long story dad.'

Adored Dean going to the Bible when he figured out what was up. That he's willing to use it as a reference material now is very telling where he's coming from.

Dean's 'So... Pit stop at Mt. Doom?' while holding the ring that controlled War made me giggle. I understand why Dean and Sam have to split up (they need space/time to heal/come to terms with what's happened/happening), but that whole talk at the picnic table made me want to cry for them. And Dean offering to let Sam have the Impala was too sweet.

So that is all from me for now. I'll upload pics from the ocean as soon as I get them.

spn s5, oh boys, episode thoughts, real life, parents, blah blah blah, thank god it's thursday, dean winchester is awesome!!!

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