Episode Thoughts (Supernatural) 4.19 - The Rapture

Apr 30, 2009 22:06

Things I Loved:

I ♥ed Dean's dream world. It was very 'What Dreams May Come' Very serene and pretty. I'm so glad he got to be fishing. That was adorable.

I ♥ed CasTIEL passing Dean a Note in his dream. It was very 'Junior High-Homeroom' and cute.

I ♥ed the fact that Jimmy's voice was higher in pitch(?) then CasTIEL's.

Misha's acting was OUT OF THE PARK in this one. And he had a lot to do.

I ♥ed that Jimmy apparently sells Ad Time for AM Radio. So not quite a tax accountant, but not far off in the boredom department.

I ♥ed Jimmy's family, when they weren't all demonic. And Claire as Castiel was a neat trick.

I ♥ed Misha being able to do the emotional scenes. Seeing him as unemotional CasTIEL for all that time Made it all the more obvious that Misha is totally versatile. And that was AWESOME.

It looked like Kripke on the TV giving that testimonial about seeing the angels. When Jimmy woke up in the living room to receive 'The Word of God'. That would be totally Awesome if it was.

I ♥ed the use of Bright red and yellow peppers in Jimmy's kitchen. Normally red and yellow are reserved for Demons. They could have chosen green peppers and mushrooms... So that struck me as interesting.

I ♥ed DEAN Just EVERYTHING he did tonight was PERFECT. I wanted to cry for/with him when he realised just how Sam is getting his mojo. But I loved that he kept himself under control. My heart broke for him when he said 'I'm tired Sam. I'm just tired.' Poor Dean.

Was that jealousy in Dean's eyes when Jimmy was comforting Amelia. It would have made a nice bookend to CasTIEL's jealousy when Dean kissed Anna in Heaven and Hell.

Things I Hated:


How EVERYBODY and Their UNCLE was calling CasTIEL Cas. NO. Just, No. That's totally not the way it works. Only Dean calls him that. The End.

Anna almost causing Dean to wreck Sweetheart. You break her I break You BITCH.


I am so Totally Over all the Sam/Ruby crap. She needs to GTFO. I hope with all my might that Dean kills her in the next episode.

Next week is going to be Amazing.

Next Week:

With Dean accepting his calling to be a Power for Good. And Sam being in Detox. and Alistair being back, which I'm not quite sure how they're pulling that one off...

But Especially for THIS:
Dean: I hope he's with Ruby. 'Cause I'm gunnin' for her next. (or you know, however he said it)

thank god it's thursday, spn s4, dean, oh boys, damn it sammy, fandom: supernatural, episode thoughts

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