So I was tagged by
huntress69 to do this character study meme thing. But of course I had to put a twist on it. So my character is:
Ed Zeddmore from the POV of Dean Winchester:
1. Do you like this person? No
2. What other names do you call this person? Douche-Bag, Dumb-Shit, Ass-Hat.
3. What image/color do you associate with this person? Does Idiocy have a color?
4. What song do you associate with this person? The theme song for their stupid show... That shit always gets stuck in my freakin' head.
5. What blood type is this person? A- Yeah I totally hacked his medical files to get that... So what? Dad always said 'know your enemy.'
6. What other people do you associate them with? That Spangler guy. They're always hanging out together.
7. What do you want to say to this person? Hey dumbass, let us do our freakin' job. Sit the Fuck down, and Shut the Fuck up.
8. Shake hands, hug, or kiss? SHOOT!!
So I was watching The Sentinel marathon and the episode 'Murder 101' was on. How much did the character Brad Ventriss remind people of Edward Cullen. I know it's a weird correlation to make, but the look and the attitude all match.