Fic Rec: (J3) Eventing AU by Pekover

Apr 17, 2009 21:01

Title: Eventing AU - Masterpost - WIP

Author: pekover

Fandom: CW RPS, mostly Jared, Jensen, and Jeff

Pairing: Jared/Jensen/Jeff, variations thereof

Rating: eventual R? (maybe eventual NC-17)

Summary: Jensen Ackles is a horse trainer in an eventing barn. When Jared Padalecki's little sister decides that she'd like an eventing horse, fate brings the Padaleckis (and their trainer, Jeff Morgan) into Jensen's life. Will he ever be able to get them out? Will he want to?

Eventing AU (J3) WIP

Why I'm recc'ing this: Yeah it's a WIP, but don't let that put you off. It's up to 40 chapters now (each one able to be read in about 15-20 minutes give or take depending on your speed) and she updates it every day. She has taken the all the usual players (Jensen, Jared, Jeff, Christian Kane, Steve Carlson, David Boreanaz) and put them into this whole environment that is amazing (there is some 'horse-lingo' in a couple chapters but she explains what needs to be explained). There are also a goodly number of OC's that are all Awesome none of them are Mary-Sue's. She has a great handle on pacing/timing. And there is a wonderful mix of Drama, Humor, Angst, and fluff.

It's totally worth the time it'll take to read it. Trust me.

fandom: j3, fic recs, f-list: all, oh boys

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