Mar 18, 2009 23:54
So I was without internet for about an hour (yeah, I thought I was going to cry, it wasn't pretty) and decided to see what was on the Tube. I happened upon a block of 'Ghost Hunters' episodes. And now I'm wondering: Is there a 'fandom' out here on the IntarWebz for this show? Where's the fic? Anybody? Anyone? Bueller? I love that Jason and Grant always seem to team up together...
Also, got the first chapter of my Daddy!Jensen J2 fic done. It's tentative title: The Tale of Sir Jared the Brave (and Tall) and how he came to King Jensen's Rescue. I'm going to print it off and send it on to My Charlie-Girl for her Birthday, and after I'm sure she's gotten it I'll post it for public consumption.
Also, in the category of TMI: I'm 4 days late... I'm totally of the impression that it's just a false alarm, that way I won't be disappointed when it starts tomorrow...
fandom: ghost hunters,
fandom: j2,
i ship it,
f-list: all,
real life,