"... My food is... Problematic..."

Mar 14, 2009 21:45

My mom called around three o'clock (so that I could wish her a happy birthday). We talked about the fact that she got 12 cards in the mail and something like 4 well-wishes on FaceBook... So then she was all 'Your father is taking me to Texas Roadhouse for dinner.' And just joking around I was like 'Oh, well what time should we meet you there?' So we met them and my dad paid for all of us. It was Awesome. But then my mom was all 'Just whatever you do, don't post on FaceBook about us having gone out. Your sister will have a Fit.' I kind of want to just to watch the fall out. Anyways I LOVE Texas Roadhouse, their rolls and butter are DELISH!!! and their steaks always cooked to perfection. Also, I was kind of mean and got the grilled shrimp, even though The Hubby is allergic to shellfish (he gets nauseous if he can smell it cooking and his throat closes up if he eats/ingests it), so there will be no kissing 'til I brush my teeth *is evil*.

Also, our waiter looked like Mark (from RENT) and his name was Mark...

TL;DR: Texas Roadhouse is AWESOME. I thought of The J's the whole time we were there. Also there's a hotel (a bit outside Winchester Price Range) that shares the parking lot, so I was imagining The Winchester Boys getting a room at the motel then coming in to eat.

In other news: my sisters neighbor apparently called Animal Control on them 'cause when she looked over the fence (into my sisters yard) she could see dog poo, and sometimes when they are outside the dogs will bark... I know, I know, let me find my shocked face... Animal Control found nothing wrong (except that the dogs aren't registered) and was totally understanding of my sister and B-i-L's work schedule's WRT: getting registered. So now The Sister is trying to think up fitting retaliation. I suggested a flaming sack of dog-shit. She approved.

birthday, siblings, fandom: supernatural, real life, parents, my tin hat: let me show you it, random, the hubby

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