Fic Rec - OMG!!!!! MUST READ

Feb 25, 2009 15:47

So I don't even know how I cam upon this one, but it is Fucking BRILLIANT.

Think along the lines of munibunny's True Colors, only instead of Jared and Nature it's Jensen and Music.

It's called The Doors of Time and it's by felisblanco

There are so many things I want to say about this story, but all my thoughts are jumbled and they basically all lead to 'THIS STORY IS FUCKING PERFECT!!!'

Along with this awesome story the author has embedded several musical selections to make the reading flow better (and it does). One of these selections is Michael Nyman's 'The Heart Asks Pleasure First' from the OST for the movie 'The Piano'. So I'm wondering if some kind soul on my F-List might have this soundtrack that they wouldn't mind too terribly much sharing with me. I would totally Love you forever.

Muchos Gracias to mashfanficchick who got me the individual song. Barrie, you are my hero. ILU!!!

P.S. if anyone has any of the other songs from the sound track I'd gladly accept them.

Now go and read this story. I just... You HAVE to.

ftw, fandom: j2, fic recs, f-list: all, f-list: insaneboingo, music

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