Feb 26, 2007 13:05
Hello to everyone :) I hope things are going well with all... things here have been great! I am on a new diet, a ver strict diet for Celiacs disease, and a no sugar diet, except from natural sources, like that found in fruit or in veggies, and I am feeling wonderful... I have more energy, some of my organs are making a turn around and starting to heal themselves, I am sleeping better at night, and I have lost 5 pounds in the last week...
This diet isn't really that hard to follow, I thought it would be because it is sooooo strict, no pre-packaged or processed foods, no flour products, no sugar products, nothing fatfree, lowfat, diet, no substitute sugars, no trans fats, no root veggies, fruit only in it's natural form or canned if it is in water, not syrup, and no gluten... there are sooooo many things that contain gluten in them. But I am not feeling hungry at all, and actually have more food to eat than I can handle...
My leggs don't hurt nearly as much, I am up and walking around again, I have been able to stop taking the seizure meds, and hopefully I can stop taking the heart meds soon...
I finally got someone who was able to say, we need to try this, instead of, well, your levels are high, your levels are low... but still with in an ok range... my liver enzymes were too high, my cholesterol and triglicerides were too high, my thyroid was sluggish, my kidneys have damage and some other things, but hopefully I will be able to get back on the right tack with this...
Just a note to say, I am feeling great :) I know not many of you know I have been sick, but that is ok... I purposfully kept it out of chat. hugs friends :x