Things that make you go Hmmm

Jan 13, 2007 20:24

I noticed I haven't written in my journal at all in 2006, though I do read friends posts... I am thinking of writing here again, and keeping more in touch with people.

Today's post...

I am sure everyone has one of those people, who you really like, or even love, or feel obligated to like, or at the least obligated to tolerate like family, that just annoys the fuck out of you, but you don't know how to escape them... I have this person I know, and they called me today, asked if I would go check their po box, because they live further away than me... I started to say now but she says, "I am sick, and waiting for a paycheck, we don't have any food in the house and need it, can you please check it for me?"

So, ticked off that I have to go out in the freezing assed cold slippery weather, I go and check the po box... get all her mail and look for a paycheck... it wasn't there...
I took her mail to her and said, I don't think your paycheck is in there, and she looks at me and says, "did you bring food?"
now, she makes money, and her partner makes money and I just don't know where they spend it, but I can't afford to support her household and my own at the same time...

I just felt used, but I know if I tell her, she will cry, and she is older and sick... and I will feel like shit if I make her cry....
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