2015 New Year Resolutions and Goals

Dec 31, 2014 10:13

Hi strangers! Long time no talk...I honestly don't even remember the last time I had logged in here. But, I have a plethora of goals/resolutions for 2015 so I decided to keep track of them and my progress on here. I will probably end up concentrating on one at a time, or having 1 or 2 be my focus. Right now, I'm leaning towards the financial and fitness goals of being my focus. But, all of these are areas that I have been wanting to improve for a long time. So, here goes my list.

1. Set and follow budget to get out of debt and build savings. Over the last few days I have built a budget. I catagorized every penny that Hubby and I spent over the past year, our income, and used that information to estimate what we will make next year, and how much I am willing for us to spend in each category.
- Daily: Save reciepts, use money from appropriate categories. Fun items from fun money, groceries from grocery money, etc.
- Weekly, update budget sheet with paycheck info, divy up money as appropriate, pay due bills.
- Monthly, Pay debts, and savings account. Check realism of budget, adjust if necessary.
- At the end of the year, prepare budget for next year.
Ultimate goal: Debt free, able to travel often, saving for retirement to continue to be able to travel.

2. Do daily sunrise salutations. Add 1 more every day.

3. Exercise a minimum of 3 times a week for 30 minutes. The more the better!

4. Work towards 3-5 servings of fruit and vegetables daily.

5. Try to have protein with every meal/snack.

6. Watch those sweets! Reach for fruit before chocolate.

Year end goal: lose 34 pounds, run minimum 3 miles, do minimum 10 push ups and minimum 1 pull up.

Household resolutions:
7. Daily, do dishes, clean counters, spend 5 minutes cleaning in a different room every day.
8. Weekly, do laundry, grocery shop, cook a minimum of 1 meal a week, deep clean 1 room.
9. Monthly, clean out refrigerator, cull unwanted clothes.
10. Yearly: spring clean, and organize
To buy: curtains for bedroom!

11. Meditate 5 minutes daily.
12. Do daily writing exercise.
13. Record books that I have read.
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