Yet another fic that was posted on Yahoo and not on Lj.
Title: It was the right thing
Author: Wil
Rating: ?? I would rate it adult but you know how it is…it’s slash so you can make up your own mind.
Pairing: Dick / Roy
Summary: Best look at the timeline.
Timeline: Immediately after the outsiders #23 (and vaguely T.T #23) Dick doesn’t offer comfort he just gives it.
Disclaimer: I had to do it!! Please don’t take offence … you may have them back because I didn’t make any money from them.
“Roy?” Dick approached his friend, laying a bare hand on his slumped shoulder. Dick still had his mask on but his lenses were up. Dick and Roy looked like hell. After he didn’t get a response, Dick sat next to him on the bed. Harper pushed his face into his hands despite his broken nose.
It had hit him the hardest. Between battling Doctor Light and Deathstroke beating the living shit out of him, Roy didn’t need to turn around to find that there was a traitor amongst his friends. That he had to be the one who had to deal with it.
“You did the right thing Roy. No one blames you for what you did.”
“Well you tell that to Grace and the others.” There was nothing but bitterness in his voice. Things had not been easy between *any* of the team members lately. Dick knew this but he still couldn’t repress the internal shudder at the mention of Grace’s name specifically. He wanted to scream at him. To remind him sometimes the right thing doesn’t always feel right but it still has to be done. That life is about the choices *you* make not what *others* say. No matter how painful. However, he knew Harper. Knew he wouldn’t listen. At least not to words. Dick knelt forward and kissed his check. Slowly he wrapped his arms around him. “You did the right thing.”