Jul 23, 2008 21:32
i didn't mean to call you! When you called me back, i was standing there, in the mall. i was staring at my crackberry in wonderment. A name I used to be so happy to see, flashing on the screen. My brow furrowed, my lips tightened. I hung up on the call mid-ring. Fuck you.
Why would I want to talk to you now?
After all that's happened, after how much you showed you don't care. You don't feel. Suddenly your phone is working when I didn't think it was. Suddenly you call me after two months. Two fucking months. You know what you can do with your matching crackberry, I don't want to hear your voice after missing it for so long. Not unless it's right in front of me.
I nearly cried right there, staring at cellphone charms and m 'n' m's. Goddamn hello kitty. My face must have looked like it was melting right off from the corners of my mouth. Then my friend showed up, and asked me what was so wrong...besides the obvious, of course. I wiped a couple tears and told him, and went out for wings night. If I didn't have friends, where would I be? If he weren't so awesomesauce, I'd have been crying before I even got on the bus.
need love,