★ 034 gusts; with Luc

Sep 30, 2010 20:31

[Accidental Video;]

[Everyone seems to be boarding the ship already. And they're in pairs! She has to find one too.]

Hmm... so pairs usually has to have something in common, huh?

[Fuu's mostly thinking out loud here before she looks around. Search. Search. She blinks upon spotting a boy with green clothes. Will that work? She guesses there's only one way to find out. See your right hand, Luc? It's getting pulled by a random blond girl wearing a green dress.]

[He'd only come to watch the chaos - or at least, that's what he'd told himself. Really, all the confusion's starting to get to him, and he's starting to wonder if maybe he should get on board too...

And now somebody's pulling his hand.]

--What are you doing?

[And with a bright, disarming smile, she turns to him.] Pulling your hand, of course.

Why? [All you get is a confused frown, Fuu. Though with how cheerful you look it's sorta wavering.]

[She's still keeping the cheerful look.] For us to board the ark. You are not planning to get drowned, are you?

[Still frowning!] ...What does an ark have to do with drowning?

Because in the story, everything got submerged in water. If you don't board the ark, you'll get drowned. [Simple logic, Luc~]

So it's a story? [Sort of. Lightly tugging his hand away from yours. :|;] Is that what's going to happen then?

[She still has a firm grip. You're not going anywhere, young man.] Probably. I suppose the deities really do love their books!

....Well even if we do have to get on this thing, I don't see why you have to hold onto me. I don't even know you. [Tug tug tuuuug-!]

[Still tugging! The ark is already near. Patience, dear Luc. She turns to you again, this time with a warmer smile.] Oh, I'm sorry for not introducing myself earlier! My name's Hououji Fuu! May I know yours?

I--[Aah why are you smiling at me like that it makes arguing so much more difficult;;] ......I'm Luc.

It's a pleasure to meet you then, Luc-san! [And you get more smiles. Clearly, she has a whole arsenal of them.] Come on, we must hurry!

Fine, I'm coming! I still don't think we have to hurry. [He may have given up on freeing his hand, but he shall try his best to not be completely compliant..!]

[And she once again gives you one of her signature Fuu smiles.] We can't let ourselves drown, you know.

[End Video;]

random fuu is random, -presea, with luc, joined post, -umi, random partner you get, -luc, o hai let's not drown, green wind magic ftw, nice to meet you, curse: poly's ark, smiling makes it hard to argue

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