
Dec 30, 2015 02:20

Being in a land of carnage and destruction and whatnot, I figured it would be a good idea to give a good description of all of Izuna's abilities.

--She's nimble and incredibly fast, being a ninja and all. Despite her immaturity, she is actually, in fact, an elite ninja. She's incredibly skilled with numerous weapons--claws, swords, magic staves, boots, shuriken, kunai, bombs, smoke bombs, caltrops--along with being good with her bare hands. She may not have the brute physical strength of many of the residents here, but she's got plenty of tricks up her sleeve. She also carries all the aforementioned weapons and items with her at all times.

Weapon Abilities:
--Claw of Ouryu: Enormous claw that covers her right arm. Can shoot large fireballs.
--Masamune: Large and incredibly sharp katana; can cut metal with ease.
--Kirin Arm: Armor she wears on her left arm used for shielding attacks. Also prevents status conditions and increases EXP gain.
--Bishamon Boots: Heavy metal boots used for kicking-based martial arts.
--Giant Leek: A giant leek. Seriously.
--Smoke bombs: Allows her to instantly teleport away from an area. Typical ninja stuff.
--Kunai: Knives often used as projectiles.
--Shuriken: 'Ninja stars'; used as projectiles.
--Caltrops: Spikes scattered across the ground to hurt the Hell out of peoples' feet.
--Bombs: Explosives that are both quite powerful and have a radius of about twelve feet.
--Staff: Talismans can be attached to it to give it unique powers.

--General Description: They can be used by themselves, attached to her equipment, or attached to her staff, all of which give her varying abilities and effects.
--Rekka: Quick fire attack that surrounds her. About a five foot radius around her body. Allows her staff to shoot fireballs.
--Gouka: Covers an enormous area--about fourty feet in radius--with incredibly powerful fire. Gives her weapons a fire-ability. Allows her staff to fire a column of fire.
--Mikagami: Both the talisman and staff abilities cause confusion. When attached to a weapon, the weapon gains water abilities.
--Jinrai: All effects cause paralysis.
--Reppu: Talisman and staff effects cause targets to fly off until they hit something. Attached to a weapon, the weapon gains wind abilities.
--Hayate: Allows her to temporarily double her speed.
--Yami-Uchi: Sends enemies into the void. Staff ability causes strong blows. Attached to a weapon, it gives an instant-kill ability.
--Kaishin: Talisman causes a critical hit. Attached to a weapon, its critical hit rate increases.
--Mikiri: Temporarily blinds everyone but herself within a twenty foot radius.
--Suimin: Puts everyone but herself within a twenty foot radius to sleep.
--Ashikase: Temporarily anchors a target to the ground.
--Fukugen: Repairs weapons. When combined with a staff, it allows her to heal people.
--Ten'i: Allows herself to switch places with a target (person or object).
--Kikan: Allows her to teleport to 'home base'; in this case, her room.
--Fuuma: Simplest explanation: Acts exactly like a Pokeball.
--Seijyuko: Allows herself to turn invisible for ten minutes at a time.
--Yuukon: Heals HP.
--Seikan: Recover all HP.
--Metsubou: Causes massive destruction within a twenty foot radius; when attached to a weapon, the weapon is capable of massive power but gradually loses the power as it's used.
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