Anticipating the Release of a New Partner Relationship Management Software Called Distance Quick Con

Mar 04, 2010 15:51

Channel Management

U.S.A. (January 22, 2010) - Software and online developer, Rising Tackle, will be hosting and launching its new, prevalently web-based partner relationship management software tool called Distance Quick Connect on March of this year.

The PRM software is modeled after Rising Tackle’s award-winning Customer Relationship Management (CRM) web based tool Focus Streamline, which was a big success last year, creating a forty percent growth for the company since its launch back in December 2008.

According to the company SEO, Distance Quick Connect boasts of the power of a simple design, a strategy that makes the web based tool very flexible and customizable to specifically address and suit individual needs and preferences of consumers. It is predicted to catapult Rising Tackle on a dominating position in the PRM market this coming year, especially with the ongoing recession.

It has been discovered that relationship management tools such as PRM has a lot to gain from the negative economic climate of recession. A lot of companies, including those who are not dependent on channel sales, are now looking to channel management strategies to survive the downturn of the economy and manage adequate revenue generation for the coming years. This is a fact that many software developers have taken advantage of, hence the release of various PRM tools and applications.

The increase in industry demand prompted companies like Rising Tackle to broaden or expand its services and products to include the increasingly popular partner relationship management. More industries are in need of PRM and PRM software since modern paradigms of global business are increasing in complexity and interconnectivity.

This trend has helped channel management gain a steady foothold in the market, as compared to its situation a few years back. PRM in particular was not a popular choice for a business strategy because the methods available for its implementation were limited to manual, outdated and inconvenient. Such methods included spreadsheets, email messaging and phone calls, all of which are now considered inefficient and ineffective, since partners may be located in different parts of the country, or even the world.

Such a disadvantage made communication and collaboration with partners a tasking responsibility, and oftentimes a fruitless prospect.
With partner relationship management software, channels may enjoy real-time monitoring and management, as well as better transparency of channel performance and productivity. Tools and programs will be made more accessible and available to partners, resulting in increased growth and improved sales in both direct and indirect channels.

Doug Sedrick

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