So in the last couple years before I permanently cancelled my WoW account I've been seeing a lot of cry baby bullshit sprout up from some of the more zealous fans of the Alliance.
"OMG Blizzard how can you make Khadgar Neutral? He should be ALLIANCE ONLY!!! QQQQ" This despite the fact that Alliance did in fact get to keep two of their Beyond the Dark Portal heroes all to themselves, and they still have full access to Khadgar to get quests from, whereas all the Horde heroes from the same game are either currently dead or they've been turned into Dungeon and Raid bosses for both factions to kill in epic battles and get fat loots. So the Alliance fansy argument about Khadgar being neutral is fucking stupid.
"Waaahh Blizzard how could you make Dalaran a neutral town it should be Alliance only!"
So sorry that Horde didn't have their own city to levitate and transport to Northrend and so sorry that Rhonin thinks Arthas, Malygos, and Old Gods are more important than pleasing your little pansy whiny asses. Now proceed to run that ground mount out that one sewer pipe. Thanks.
"WTF Blizz How can you make Malfurion neutral?!?! Orcs are burning Ashenvale!!!!! Horde Favoritism!"
"Blizz why are you doing all this Thrall story! You love Thrall, you love the Horde, you HATE THE ALLIANCE I HATE YOU!!!!!!!"
One slop of idiotic bullshit after the other. Now, Blizzard actually gives them something they've been wanting. An end to all the PvE raid bosses and a new focus on the war between the Alliance and the Horde. One of the first moves in this new Alliance/Horde conflict is the Horde apparantly destroys Theramore. Tragic. Poor Jaina. *hugs* :(
And, as to be expected, the tears come rolling like thunderstorms: The tears and cries for this one are going to be rolling for a long while boys and girls. The more extreme Alliance fans over the years have proven themselves to be professional victims and nothing either Bashiok or Zarhym can say are going to dissuade them from that mentality. You might as well try explaining the concept of evolution to an evangelical.
I'm not sure why I care about this, really. I mean, I'm going to be playing Old Republic here in the next couple months instead of WoW so I don't have to worry about Alliance fans crying or Horde fans raging at Alliance fans or any other bouts of Fanboyistic faction v. faction bullshhhhhhh....
Oh yeah. Empire vs. Republic. Sith vs. Jedi. Gotcha.
And since BioWare is planning to have a heavy story oriented MMO here, and one that's mostly about the war between the two sides then there are likely going to be scenes where one side gets to lay some majore cock slappage on the other side. And given the mentality of many gamers out there, their senses of entitlement and faction appeasement, we can bet there's going to be some levels of QQing going on if the Empire or the Republic start winning against the other side.
Warcraft, maybe I'll be missing you more than I thought I would be.