Dec 30, 2005 18:07

F R I E N D S - O N L Y
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I am a "foul-smelling, unsubstantial body, a conglomerate of bone, skin, muscle, marrow, flesh, semen, blood, mucus, tears, rheum, feces, urine, wind, bile and phlegm, what is the good of the enjoyment of desires?

In this body which is afflicted with desire, anger, covetousness, delusion, fear, despondency, envy, separation from what is desired, union with the undesired, hunger, thirst, old age, death, disease, sorrow and the like, what is the good of enjoyment of desires?

Verily all this world merely decays.... The great oceans dry up, mountains crumble, the polestar deviates from its place, the wind-cords are broken, the earth is submerged and the very gods are dislodged from their positions. In such a world as this, what is the good of the enjoyment of desires?"

- Maitri Upanishad
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