Nov 06, 2008 22:40
so it's been a while since i've posted here but i figure this is a safe haven from all the people who i DON"T want to read this from myspace.
Dear Taylor,
Reminder #1: DON'T let people you would never date think they have a chance. Not even a little. not even for a second. because those people are the most annoying people on the face of the earth. and they bring out the homicide in me.
Reminder #2: on the flip side of that... For the love of fucking GOD taylor... stop falling for chicks who are gonna break your heart. and then when they do stop checking their myspace every few days. it's like rubbing sulpheric acid in your fucking canker sore. you know better than that.
Get your shit together Taylor.
I need a new life. i don't enjoy this one any more...