Because I'm Bored

Aug 09, 2006 12:12

This'll be an entry with a lot of different topics. I just feel like writing for some reason.

I'm still cramping really bad. It hasn't stopped since I left the doctor's office last week. Sometimes it's worse than others. I've even had moments when I've thought "Oh God, this is it". But then labor doesn't come. I'm at the point here even though I know it's going to be painful, I don't care. I just want labor to start, I want to hold my daughter and know she's healthy. Over the past couple of days her movement has decreased and is far less agressive. I'm not sure if that's because it's getting closer or what but from time to time I worry about it. I have another doctor's appointment tomorrow morning so I'm gonna bring it up.

Adam's mother is giving him a check today so that Adam and I can buy some extra things for the baby this weekend. This woman confuses the living hell out of me I swear. First, she's so pissed that she doesn't talk to Adam for a month. Then, suddenly she wants to be in the delivery room and help name the baby. Then, she tells Adam that she will not be a grandmother to this child unles we get a DNA test and now she's suddenly giving us money to buy things for the baby! What the hell!? Not that I'm not greatful but make up your damn mind! Are you going to be around or not!? This bouncing back the forth is driving me nuts!

I have to get my address book out of my hospital bag and add a couple more numbers to it. I've gotten several e-mails in the past couple of days from people who want me to call when Julia is born. I may have Adam or my mother call some of them for me, somehow I don't think I'm going to have the energy to call everyone in the book myself. My mom will probably call most, if not all, of our family.

So I had my car towed yesterday morning. They looked at it and said they couldn't find anything wrong with it. I don't understand that. The car wouldn't start for three days! Suddenly we get it to the shop and it starts. What the hell!? Anyway, they kept it overnight and are looking at it again this morning just in case. If they don't find anything then I'll pick it up tonight. At least I won't have to pay for repairs, although it kinda worries me that they couldn't find anything. What happens if I go into labor and my car decides it's not going to start again? I'm here alone most of the time, I can't just not have a car.

It's only supposed to be in the mid 80s for the next week. I'm gonna try and get out and do some walking since the weather will be nice. Maybe I'll take Tyler with me. He hasn't been out very much either because of the extream heat.

Some people in my various animal groups on MySpace annoy the hell outa me. I try not to be bitchy but there are just times I wanna go "what the hell is the matter with you"!? One guy told me that if it wasn't for humans then the animal over population wouldn't be so bad so we should get rid of all the humans, or at least not ever keep any type of animal as pets. There are so many things wrong with that theory it's not even funny and it would take me way too long to list them all here. But how assinine does that sound!? Another guy asked if him breeding his pets and selling them for $300+ to people made him a bad person. As if that wasn't bad enough, in the same msg he goes on to say that animals that end up in shelters are there for a reason and deserve to be there and that no one wants an animal with "problems". Ahhhhhh! Obviously this ass hole has never actually worked with rescue animals. I don't know about all the other shelters out there but the most common excuse I hear for surrender, other than stray animals, is that "the kids won't take care of it" or "we're moving and can't take it with us".

So Matt finally moved in last week and mom and Allen bought him a new bed and all. Last night though I had to keep from bitchin him out. Allen had asked him to take out the trash and he yelled and screamed about how he shouldn't have to do it and just kept carrying on and on about it. I swear if he turns out to be another Chris I'm going to shoot myself, lol. As lousy as that boys mother is he better be thanking his lucky stars that he doesn't have to put up with her anymore. I'm sure if he had to go back to living with that alcoholic bitch he'd really have something to cry about!

This house is a mess. I wanna get it all cleaned up but I am just so sore there are times I don't even want to get up to make myself lunch, let alone try and clean the house.

Anyway, speaking of lunch, I do need to eat. I'll be back later I'm sure. Blessed be all.
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