Chapter 1 Author: Erestor
Rating: depending on the chapter PG-13 - R
Genre: slash (some het mentioned), adventure, drama, romance, humour
Pairings: Turner/Norrington and Norrington/Gillette to equal parts. Jack/Elizabeth, Groves/Anamaria mentioned.
Other characters appearing: Lord Cutler Beckett, Mr. Mercer, Gibbs, Pintel, Ragetti a.o.
Warnings: some violence, angst, h/c and sap. Rude 1st lieutenant. Tiny spoilers for POTC: DMC if you look for them with a microscope. But as a general rule, the setting is my own universe.
Feedback: Sure! Keep it coming!
Beta: The wonderful Eveiya
Author's note: this is not a "WIP". The story is finished, chapters will be uploaded whenever they are returned by ye wonderful beta.
Summary: James Norrington has been demoted and is now captain of the "Joyful Molly", a ship best described as a floating rum barrel with sails. When Captain Norrington and his second in command, Lt. Gillette, fall into the hands of pirates, Mr. Turner decides that it's high time for Captain Jack Sparrow to do something useful for a change and drags the unwilling pirate into an adventure that might end in disaster for everybody.
In the meantime, Norrington and Gillette do their best to survive, and Mr. Norrington learns that he really knows nothing about his 2nd in command.
"Oh Disney in your castle bright
You might think fanfic's not right
But see, the pirates, they don't mind
So, just for once, pretend you're blind
Oh copyright, I honor thee
So there's no point in sueing me
Amusement's all I'm aiming for
Yours, Erestor"
Have fun! :)
Note for communities: I don't want to clutter up people's f-lists, so I'll only announce updates once a couple of new chapters have been uploaded. Cheers!