Nov 03, 2004 00:08
Well, ladies and gentlemen, lets break it down.
11 states have banned gay marriage.
The house of representatives and Senate are under GOP control.
Bush appears to have won the white house race.
With the head justice of the supreme court falling ill to cancer, a new appointment to the supreme court by Bush seems apparant.
Likely outcomes:
+ reduced possibility of forign terrorism
+ Redoubled efforts on the war on terrorism
- Viable attacks on roe vs wade
- tax cuts resulting in an increased deficit for the youth
- increased support of abstinice only education
- budget cuts and increased deficit spending
- a heavily industrial influenced energy bill reform
- no new movement on the assult weapons ban
- Confirmation of the fda position that oversees female reproductive health to a partisan republican OBGYN that practices the healing power of prayer in female reproductive health, while denying birth control to unwed females.
We are going to fortify american defenses. I personally am not looking forward to watching christian fundamentalism under the guise of "family values" roll back everything that makes this country religiously unbiased in the name of progress.
By re-election of george bush, america is re-affirming to america and the world that what George W. Bush has been doing over the past four years is what we want, and that what he will do over the next four years is going to be in our best interest.
Im ashamed to call myself american today.
feel free to add to my list, but do try and avoid the cheny gas chamber mentality.