
Dec 13, 2006 04:48

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Currently Listening
The Devil And God Are Raging Inside Me
By Brand New
see related
I want to know something about you. I want to know if you, the reader has every experienced something similar.

Have you ever taking a warm, relaxing shower after a long day of work, and then moments after taking an ice cold shower. Its like an unexpected sharp turn, but the fact that you turned the wheel in the opposite direction leave you to blame. Thats why you don't flinch. You don't flinch because you turned the wheel and 180'ed your alertness.

I employ the warm relaxing shower as a symbol for our daily struggles and the inevitable vice to which we succumb in hopes of numbing our self inflicted ailments. The cold shower is our moment of clarity that yields a shift in priority. We remember the dates circled in our calender. We check our messages. We cross things off of a list. It is at this break neck speed where we rediscover the strength to stand up and punch the driver.

Everything around us is an asset and must be taken advantage of. Sleep, sugar, smoke, eye-drops, and anxious cynicism are the instruments of our salvation. The songs in our head are the tune by which we march. The line in that movie is the moto we consult. The famous quote by that famous author whos book we never finished reading is the unsubstaiontiated rumor around which we base our existence. Have you ever had the guption to cry fowl on these institutes, turn the wheel and flip the truck? b/c i have.

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