Aug 20, 2014 00:36
Dawn spent the time in Winchester. We tried to keep in touch by phone but unlike Southampton General (where they have cordless phones that can be taken to the patient's bed) the wards in Winchester only have a phone on the desk so we had to send messages via the nursing staff. The information we received went from "She's very tired and I think she's asleep now" through "She had a rough night as we had to keep waking her up to do tests" to "She's sat up and reading a book" which was the time we started to get messages back and proved that she was on the mend. Then last night they called her to the desk and she was able to talk to (John and) me herself.
Her blood sugars were stabilised and she should have been able to come home today. We also learned that they had not been giving us all of the information about her stay, how she had had to have a lumber puncture to cope with the pain for example.
We decided not to go home from the London but to go directly to the hospital to see her. She looked and sounded much better than when we last saw her, particularly as almost all of the swelling had gone down and her eyebrow is staring to grow back. Everyone got hugs and Phoebe gave her the Beeblebear that we had brought her from the con. They need to keep her insulin monitored for another day so she cannot come home until tomorrow. Then we shall give her the book with all the messages from her friends that we collected at the convention.