Originally posted by
dark_mod at
FEST RULES: 2015 Lucius/Harry Halloween FestAbout
The 2015 Lucius/Harry Halloween Fest is for fic and artwork featuring the characters of Lucius Malfoy and Harry Potter. We welcome any kind of fic, including gen and other non-romantic genres. The spirit of darkness that this community fosters is highly encouraged for this fest (especially since it's posting around Halloween!) but it is not mandatory. Any and all Lucius/Hary works are allowed.
Guidelines for Creations
- All fic must be beta’d, and we will ask you who your beta was.
- You must be over 18 to claim and and create for this fest.
- For fic, minimum word count is 600 words. If you are mixing fic and art (if you are creating a comic strip, for example) the minimum word count does not apply.
- Content does not have to be dark in nature, although it is highly encouraged, and happy endings are allowed.
- There are no content restrictions for what you can write or draw. We allow all kinks, genres, taboos, etc. (ex: Harry can be under 16 if you need that for your story).
- Lucius and Harry must feature in the story, but they do not have to end up together romantically or sexually; gen and/or other pairings are allowed.
- Manips, fanvids, crafts, and non-traditional fest work is allowed.
- Podfics are welcome and encouraged.
Username: Maximum Rating: G to NC-17
Prompt:Likes:Dislikes:Additional Info: - Fill out the prompting template and post it as a comment.
- You can leave up to 10 prompts.
- There are no content restrictions
- You do not have to claim if you choose to prompt.
Username: [You! If claiming for someone else, include their name here please]
Email: [Where can we reach you?]
Over 18? [Yes or no?]
Prompt #1: [First choice!] for Fic or Art?
Prompt #2: [Second choice; optional] for Fic or Art?
Prompt #3: [Third Choice; optional] for Fic or Art?
Self-Prompt: [No prompts appeal? Fill this out to sign up!]
- To claim a prompt, comment with the template on the Claiming Post. Comments are screened, as this is an anonymous fest. Please do not share your prompt with others.
- Prompts may be claimed once for fic and once for art.
- You may claim your own prompt.
- You may use the claiming template to self-prompt if you don’t see any prompts you like but you still want to sign up for the fest.
- Prompts will be given on a first-come, first-claim basis.
- Once you have submitted your first entry, you may claim another prompt.
- Claiming by proxy is permitted.
- You do not have to have prompted in order to claim.
- You must be over 18 to claim and create for this fest.
- Fic will be posted to AO3, so we will need you to include or create an AO3 account when you submit your fic to us.
- Artwork will be posted to Livejournal.
- Please do not repost your work anywhere else until after reveals, as this is an anonymous fest.
- Your mods for this fest are amorette and williamsnickers
- Please DO NOT PM the mod account, as it will not be checked.
- Send all inquiries to the mod email: hpdarkages@gmail.com