My research paper has been focusing on adolescents and their process of maturing relationships using internet based tools. One study from the Journal of Adolescent Research specifically surveys teenage LJ users and their bloggin habits. I'm not asking people to respond to these questions because some are quite involved but wanted to post some from the 30 question survey for those that might be interested.
4. How did you find out about blogging on LJ?
5. When did you start your blog and what was going on at that time in your life?
6. Why did you decide to create a bog?
12. Are your LJ friends also your real life friends? Have to met new people on LJ?
13. Do you ever go back and read old entries?
15. Are there things about yourself and your real life that you leave out of your blog on purpose?
16. Who reads your blog? Do you think about your audience when you write entries?
17. What is the main purpose of your audience - seek support/advice, keep them up to date, entertain, educate, debate?
21. Can you express things about yourself online that you can't or have more difficulity offline?
23. Do you think that your online and offloine personalities are the same or different? (How you express yourself.)
26. Do you think your blog has influenced the type of person you are offline?
29. under what circumstances do you think you might stop blogging?
I just thought the questions were thought provoking. Feel free to reply if you like. These were geared for a teenage audience but still might be applicable to non-teen folks.