Share your point of view

Jan 10, 2008 21:34

I was going through more old files and uncovered a story that was used for a group discussion I still enjoy hearing people's responses to.

This story is about a fictional couple.  To keep it flexible and open we'll call them Pat and Kelly since I know men and women with both names.

Pat and Kelly were both single people looking for love when they happened to find each other.  Being mutually attracted they started dating.  After some time Pat decided to take Kelly home during Thanksgiving.  Pat's mother was serving a fairly traditional dinner of turkey, potatoes, stuffing, green beans, cranberries and on and on.  Pat's father carved the turkey, served slices, and plates were passed around the table.

While Kelly and Pat had been dating it had never been specifically discussed that Kelly was a vegetarian.  Given the situation of meeting Pat's family for the first time Kelly decided to try a little of the turkey along with the rest of the meal.  Kelly knew that this might cause physical illness but did not want to say anything.  Kelly did get sick, not dangerously ill, but the sickness couldn't be keep hidden from Pat or Pat's family.

There are no wrong answers only different points of view.  Why did Kelly eat the turkey and what is your perception of Kelly and the relationship with Pat?

If you're stuck does your answer change if Kelly... 
was a man?
was a woman?
had been a vegetarian for 15 years?
was a vegetarian for ethical reasons?
was a vegetarian for health reasons?

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