We had our DVD performance of Pile Driving on Friday. We were all sort-of off, but we still gave a decent show. It was weird having a wireless mic attached to myself and I think the cameras kinda threw all of us off. We all had one sketch where we messed up something. No matter; we still had a good time.
Erin came in to town this weekend. We didn't have too many adventures other than the show and a trip to Portillo's with Shane. (PS- I approve of Mike/Duke.) They also helped with getting a queen-sized mattress from the writer of Pile Driving and we even ripped a gash into the wall trying to get it up the stairwell! We were actually all really pooped after all that. But that bed is muey comfortable. So worth it.
I stayed home Saturday night and much of Sunday. Sunday night was busier than expected, as I got a line in a brief scene for a short film/trailer parody Joe is shooting called Wheelchair Werewolf. Then Lamby called to invite me to a House of Blues concert with
Schuyler Fisk. Kate happened to grow up with her in Virginia. She is also the daughter of Oscar-winner Sissy Spacek, who happened to be there supporting her daughter. We talked to them both briefly after the concert. Although people did approach her a lot for pictures and handshakes, Sissy seemed like a normal mom more than an Oscar winner. It was really sweet.
I sent my conflict sheet for Big City this morning; it feels good seeing all those free nights I have to focus on this show (minus the gap of May 12-22 for Vegas/Grand Canyon). I hope it all works out. I'm cautiously optimistic.