The Caribbean Kidnapping 1/?

Oct 02, 2008 20:41

Hey y'all. It's me again. But this time I have the first chapter of the Caribbean Kidnapping. Personally, I think it's a really good story, so far. I believe I created it about two years ago, in 2006.
Title: The Caribbean Kidnapping
Rated: PG-NC17
Categories: action/adventure, romance
Warnings: violence, sexual content, rape, slight torture
Pairing: William Moseley/Jessica
Disclaimer: don't own William, Keira Knightley, Sean Astin, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, or Anna Popplewell, or Caterine Zeta (her real name is Catherine Zeta-Jones). I do own Jessica Stanhope (just picture Mika Boorem as her), Gregorio Montino, and Brett McAdams. Rated: PG-13, a small sexual scene                                                                                      
Chapter one
     Gregorio Montino glared at the girls. “Why in the world are we going on a Disney Caribbean Cruise?” he demanded.
     “Because that’s where the four stars are going to be for the week,” Caterine Zeta said. Gregorio thought about it.
     “Hmm. This is going to be easy. No one would expect a kidnapping on the Disney cruise.”
     “Exactly,” Caterine smiled. Brett frowned. 
         “I don’t get it. Why do we have to kidnap four stars?” Caterine glared at him.       
      “Do you even know who these stars are and what movies they represent?” she snapped.
          “Do tell me, ‘cause I’m curious.”

"They are, William Moseley, Anna Popplewell, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint,” Gregorio answered, with a rough voice. Brett rolled his eyes.

"They’re just kids. Why are they so important?” he demanded.

“Just think of much money or diamonds we can get by kidnapping those four?”

“William and Anna are from the Chronicles of Narnia and Emma and Rupert are from Harry Potter,” Caterine explained.

“Now I get it. They could be worth a lot of money,” Brett said.

“Exactly,” Gregorio agreed.


Jessica stood in the midst of the chaos, shielding her eyes from the sun. She was very excited, to spend some time alone on the cruise and she could do whatever she wanted. Her father had given her plenty of money for shopping and her parents signed her up for quite a few little excursions. She hoped she would like the excursions. Her parents flew her from Washington Dullas, to the Orlando International Airport. She took a taxi to Port Canaveral where the cruise would be leaving in an hour. It was eight o’clock in the morning in Florida. She stood on the dock, trying to find the specific dock her ship was leaving from. It wasn’t easy and nerve wrecking. The entire port seemed to be alive with people.

She finally managed to find the ship on her own. It was immense. There seemed to be a million little portholes and at least six levels. She had never been on something so expensive-looking in her life. As she gazed up at the huge ship and listened to the happy chattering of the people around her, she was beginning to think it was worth it. As soon as she walked up to the gangplank, she went to the concierge desk. A man smiled pleasantly at her. 
     “Ello, miss. What’s the name, please?” Jessica signed in on the registrar.

“It should be under the name, Jessica Stanhope.” She quickly glanced at the other names on the list. She saw quite a few names she recognized, including a group of names that looked suspiciously familiar to her; that was before she realized that the man was glaring at her. She looked up, blushing slightly. “Sorry,” she said.“I was just curious about my fellow passengers.” His face relaxed.

“It’s alright. Everyone will get to know everyone soon enough. By the way, young lady, where are your parents?”

“They couldn’t get off work. So, I’m here by myself. You do know that you have several actors on this cruise, don’t you?”

“Of course, I do. In fact, why don’t I get you connected with them?” Jessica couldn’t help, but feeling excited.

“Really? You do realize that my favorite actors are, Sean Astin, Keira Knightley, William Moseley, Anna Popplewell, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint,” she said, blushingly.

"Well, Mr. Astin and Miss Knightley are already taking care of the four younger stars; I’m sure they wouldn’t mind if you hung out with them. I can ask Mr. Astin and Miss Knightley if they wouldn’t mind being your guardians for two weeks,” said the man. Jessica smiled brightly.

“Oh, would you? That would be absolutely fantastic!”

“You wouldn’t mind if I gave them your room number?”

"No, of course not. This is going to be the best vacation ever!”

“Well then, have a bon voyage, Miss Stanhope.”

“Thank you, sir.”

She walked away, searching for her room. A bellhop showed her the way. She set down her suitcase and backpack and sat down heavily on her bed. The room was absolutely gorgeous. The décor was blue and her bedspread and curtains had pictures of dolphins. The bathroom had a shower and a large bathtub, as well as a sink that was big enough to bathe in and one of the most elegant toilets Jessica had ever seen. There was a well stocked mini bar and a safe hidden behind a painting of fruit.

The first thing she did was take out her valuable jewelry and placed it in the safe. Her fingers lingered the longest on a particular piece. It was a golden heart-shaped locket and inside it were a couple of pictures; one was a picture of Peter in his coronation outfit, the other was a very interesting picture of William. It had been a gift from her best friend, Serena. Serena loved teasing her about her newest favorite character/actor. She still remembered what she had said to her, just to make her blush.

“You two would make such a cute couple.” Jessica blushed. She never told Serena about her fantasy dreams of Peter; but Serena could only guess that Peter/William meant more to her then to her other favorite characters/actors. She filled the bath with warm water and bubbles, got in, and let herself relax. Her eyes closed softly as she began to drift into her fantasy dreams…

Peter’s hands wrapped around her waist, and pulled her closer. His tongue invaded her mouth, as they kissed ferociously, hungrily. Jessica ran her hands across his chiseled torso, going up over his chest as his nightshirt came off. Peter trailed kisses across her jaw line, down her neck, and he nipped lightly at the skin between her shoulder and neck. Jessica let out a soft moan, and Peter moved his hands up her thigh, pushing the soft fabric of her nightgown up more and more, until she was completely naked. Jessica laid on the bed, opening her legs a bit. Peter placed himself between her, still halfway dressed, and continued to kiss her. Jessica’s trembling hands fled to his leggings and began to pull them off, and soon both of them were naked. Peter raised himself a bit, his muscles flexed and illuminated by her lamp. Jessica smiles at this. He is beautiful. Peter lowers his head so that his lips met hers, and he kisses her ever so lightly. While he kisses her, he enters her slowly. Jesse gasps, and wraps her legs around his waist, pulling him closer to her, Peter begins to move, and soon they find a rhythm unique to them. As Jessica is brought closer to her climax…

Jessica woke up, blushing furiously. She got out, toweled off, and decided to take a nap. It had been a long day.
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