(no subject)

Sep 14, 2009 21:22

I've got a screw loose. It's in my leg though, not my head. Hahaha... Anyway, I'm having surgery tomorrow to remove the plate and seven screws on my fibula. I broke my leg in '03 and I've recently discovered that one of the screws is sticking out/unscrewing. It's been pretty sore for awhile and apparently that's why. It's not scary but I'm a bit nervous - which is nothing strange. So I have to be there at 11 in the morning. No coffee, no cigarettes. No breakfast. (though I'd much prefer a smoke to food.) Anne is going to go with me. Yay Anne! They told me to get some crutches. I hate crutches and I hope I don't really need them. Also hoping I'm not too sore 'cause I want to be able to work Thursday. I like working. The money is good too. Hopefully it will be a cake walk. It's outpatient surgery and I'm not sure if they'll put me out or not yet. I have mixed feelings about being awake for it. The surgeon said if I opt to be awake, I'd experience some discomfort. Which is what one Dr. told me about a bone marrow biopsy that ended up being one of the more painful procedures I've ever experienced. So we'll see. But I'm stoked to get my hardware out. Now if I could get to sleep...
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