Trick or Treat

Oct 31, 2008 00:25

I finally decided what I'm going to do for a Halloween costume. First I was hell bent on the gorilla suit. But I can't really go to work in that, and they're fairly expensive. Then Heather was trying to convince me to be John McCain...but I don't want to. But I'm broke this Halloween and I want something a little more silly, so I'm going to be a zombie bike-messenger.

"I was riding to work....I saw something out of the corner of my eye. Next thing I know some guy lunges at me from the sidewalk, knocks me off my bike and starts biting me everywhere. I socked him in the face and got away, but not before he drew blood. About ten minutes later, I had a headache from hell and an insatiable craving for brains..."

I like it. I am making my own blood, so tonight I did a test run.  Heh. I made a huge mess in my house, but it was worth it.

I have a cracked bike helmet that I'm going to smear with blood. I have some old clothes that are going to get torn and bloodied up as well as some face paint for that pale, sunken in, hungry zombie complexion. It should be fun, especially at work.

Then after work I'm biking over to Luke's Halloween party.

Have fun & be safe everyone.

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