(no subject)

Oct 14, 2008 19:46

I haven't updated in awhile. I've been pretty busy with work and everything else. I'm doing the master cleanse again. I'm on day four today. I'd like to ease into winter not feeling like shit. I was going to start earlier, but I wanted to wait until after my parents left.

They drove up to visit for a couple days. It wasn't bad. I avoided talking about religion for the most part. I also talked to them about how it bothers me that they insist on keeping me a secret to the rest of the family. Around the rest of the family, they talk about me as if I've never transitioned. So when they come up to visit me, they have a really difficult time with my name and everything. It's frustrating. I asked them what I'm supposed to do when someone dies and the whole family is together. They didn't really respond.  But at least they know I'm concerned. Beyond that, the rest of the visit was nice. We hung out a lot, went to some stores, walked around the gardens, went to a co-op event. They want to come up again for the holidays. We'll see.

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