Aug 07, 2006 22:00
If I ignore you long enough will you leave me the fuck alone?
I wish I could say what I actually mean, that'd be so sweet. I tried it for a while and got into a lot of trouble. I was a human too, once, I erred like humans do, but for some reason all my past pennetance meant absolutely nothing and I recieved no pardon or get out of jail free card every single time. Do not assume things, I am not isolating a single incident, because that meant nothing to me. I am remarking on a series of unfortunate events. I'm not complaining, griping about life. Looking for a shoulder to cry's not my thing. It's never been. I have no shoulder, no confession box, no compendium of written verse on the whims and woes in my life. I take it like a man, suck it up, move along. Pretend like it didn't happen....pretend like it's not happening.....I don't get it, I never will. We can't just ignore these things and let them slide. Where are our calvary, where are our militias? Where are these armies of righteous hearts standing up against the injustices and creating justice? There seems to be enough voices to fill the garrisons but when it comes time to conscribe, the line comes up short. Much to short. The best part is:
This means nothing to me :).