Single Hitch

Jun 03, 2011 16:27

Title:  Single Hitch
Author:  kastari
Summary:  People spend a lifetime searching for happiness, looking for peace.  They chase idle dreams, addictions, religions, even other people, hoping to fill the emptiness that plagues them.  The irony is the only place they ever needed to search was within.  ~Ramona L. Anderson
Characters:  Bill Adama
Rating:  T
Word Count:  516
Author’s Note:  Written for the 1st makebillhappy challenge.  Prompt:  Make Bill happy out of uniform.
Additional Note:  The idea for this story was sparked by a discussion topic on thequorum
Disclaimer:  I'm just playing in Universal's sandbox.

Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. ~Abraham Lincoln )
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