Two announcements!

Feb 18, 2011 20:09

First, the Inaugural Make Bill Happy Fic Challenge is up and running. Go check it out and write some happy-making fic for our Admiral!

And second, we have two wonderful people who have volunteered to be william_adama's new mods! Please give a warm thank-you to bsg_aussiegirl and escapedvelocity for stepping up. ^_^ Of course we have one snag in that I cannot actually make them both maintainers until LJ finishes assigning owners to communities and unfreezes the owner-level functions, but that's just a matter of time. altitudeandwine and I will stay on as emergency backup maintainers, but these two will be the guiding hands. High-fives to you both!

If anyone has any suggestions, questions, or just wants to say YAY NEW MODS, comment away!

fanfic, comm and fans - us, bsg

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