Double update from admiral_adama!

Sep 26, 2007 21:50

Yeesh ... I really need to sit down and finish all the half-written prompt responses I've started with Bill ... maybe see if I can fit them in to my sadly neglected fanfic100 Table of Adama-fic. But in the meantime, here are two that I have finished. ;)

Photo Prompt: Forest Stream

This one harks back to Season 2, and a bit of what-might-have-been involving "Home part 2".

Congratulations! You've just been granted one wish. What is it?

Here we have Bill close to the end of Season 3, with one spoiler for "Crossroads part 1"

Comments, be they praise or con-crit, are always, always welcome!

fanfic, theatrical muse, fic, adama

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