Mar 08, 2009 23:41
So I might be entering my first moderate/large size tournament in a month. Events will include:
Open Fist form:
My form will hopefully be the one I'm working on now. Starts with a little mantis and has some panther in it.
Weapons form:
This is a HUGE toss up. None of my forms will be ready in time except for the rope dart form that I was learning away from Wah Lum when I was training there, and that's still very sketchy. I was practicing tonight before bed and almost broke my knuckles. Guess that's what I get for setting it aside for two months. Oh well, I'll get the hang of it again.
Push Hands:
I have yet to look at the rules for this one, but we'll see. If it's a contact push hands, odds have it I'll be able to enter. If it's the kind of push hands I learned in Wah Lum, there wouldn't be much a point in going.
This one is a toss up as well.
I sent the list to my instructor and we'll see what he says. There's also a whip chain and spear seminar I would love to attend. Should be a good time.