Just A Lil' Update

Feb 12, 2007 23:21

So I feel I need to update. Everytime I try to post something, I just delete it.

Lots of stuff has been going on.

Im moving to a new place. A better place. Staying in Jacksonville, but going to a nicer apartment. I feel that this right now is just my waiting room until something better happens. This apartment just isnt me anymore. Im ready to get out of here and start something new.

Single now. Yup, I actually had a boyfriend for a little while. I ended it, but it had nothing to do with him...kinda I guess...I dunno. I just shouludnt be allowed to date. Why is it that the nice guys never work out with me? Im crazy.

Im still getting analy raped at work. That place is making me crazy/making me love it. i love the way everything is so not together, but I still dont get paid enough for what i do!!!!!!!!!!

School is fine. Its school and that about sums that up.

I want to shave my head and volunteer.

Thats about it. My life is pretty boring at times. I need something more right now.

Well, thats an update kids! I dont even know if anyone still reads this. Its been like a year or so since I last updated but I just needed to let you all know that I am still alive. Keep the greats posts coming. I still log on everyday and read what fabulous things are going on in your lives!

Make Good Choices,
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