We've made things sooooo much better in Afghanistan!

Apr 16, 2009 09:31

Now that the Taliban is no longer in power, it's all good!  Hamid Karzai would never do anything like make it illegal for a woman to resist rape.

That's what I said.  The Times describes the new law -- which applies only to Shiite women, how fair -- as permitting marital rape, but it's actually even worse than that.  According to the article, the law makes it illegal for a woman to resist her husband's sexual advances.  So not only would a man not be punished for raping his wife -- the woman could be punished for resisting.  Oh yeah, and she can't get a job or go to school without his permission, either.  Aren't you glad we got rid of the Taliban?

It's not really about oppressing women, though.  According to this Shiite cleric the Times interviewed, it's really about resisting imperialism!

“We Afghans don’t want a bunch of NATO commanders and foreign ministers telling us what to do.”
Goddamn NATO, telling us we can't rape our wives.  Buncha outside agitators.

I can't even express how much I admire the brave women who are protesting this law.  Of course, you can tell by the photo in the paper that they're all whores.  Just look at how they're dressed -- from the chin to the eyebrows, you can see everything!

I find it interesting that a woman who wants to limit her sexual availability is a whore.

I really hate men as a class sometimes.  I mean, some of my best friends are men and all that, but as a group, are we better off with them or without them?

I suppose if men didn't exist women would have to oppress each other. 

politics, girl stuff

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