Beyond the best interest of the child: insanity

Jan 06, 2009 13:44

We know the Arkansas ban on queers becoming adoptive or foster parents is on its face insane in the membrane and bad for kids.  Now there's proof.

W.H. is a baby who was allegedly abused by her parents.  Her grandmother, who is a registered nurse, is eager to take her in.   Sounds perfect -- the Department of Social Services is required to look for placement with a relative first, if it's impossible for a child to remain with her parents.  The problem is, Grandma's a dyke who lives with another woman.  Thank God for the ACLU.  No word on where W.H. is living in the meantime, though.

I really hope the National Association of Social Workers and every other organization concerned with child welfare signs on as an amicus in this lawsuit.  I'd like to see the United States Dept. of Health and Human Services side with the plaintiffs, too.  Maybe after January 20?

This ban is crap.  It's bad for kids, and it forces social workers to violate key principles of child welfare -- and maybe other laws and regulations, I don't know enough about it to say for sure.  It can't be overturned fast enough.

kids, queers

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