What's at stake with Proposition 8

Oct 31, 2008 12:23

Sixteen thousand marriages.  Sixteen thousand same-sex couples have been married in California since the spring.  No one knows what the status of those marriages will be if Prop 8 passes.  Thirty-two thousand people are wondering whether they will still be married on November 5.  And I don't know how many of those folks have children.

How could anyone vote Yes on this thing?  How could anyone live with herself after taking all that happiness and security away from 32,000 people?

At the last No on 8 phone bank, one of the callers talked to a Bridezilla who was wavering.  She said she doesn't want to take away anyone's rights, but she's getting married (to a man) soon and she wants her marriage license to say "Bride" and "Groom," not "Party A" and "Party B."  M, the woman who talked to Bridezilla, was on the phone with her for quite a while, with unclear results.

M is going to call her again on Election Day.  I need to tell M the number 32,000.

love, politics, queers

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