A dream and a meme

Jan 27, 2008 08:44

I just woke up from an above-average dream.  I was working with a couple who were trying to adopt a child. They were maybe in their late 40s or early 50s, and they were originally from some Slavic country.  They were trying to adopt a specific child, maybe 10 or 12 years old, and they were running into difficulties.  They  handed me their personal files, which were scrawled all over with some notes from their various meetings.

One file had a handwritten note on it in cursive letters about 3 inches high.  It was something about how "the Jews" control social work and were making it hard to adopt (international bankers and adoption caseworkers, that's right).  Interesting how the dream contains my own prejudice that people from Slavic countries are going to be antisemitic.  Anyway, I get the husband, whom I guess I think is the more approachable of the two, alone and tell him he needs to get new, blank folders for his documents and keep them clean.  I point out the stuff about Jews and he tries to justify it.  I say "Look, let's say adoption is controlled by Jews.  How are they going to feel when they see these folders?  I'm offended, and I'm  sympathetic to your case.  Someone who isn't could make life very difficult for you."  He grudgingly agrees to replace the folders.

So that was the serious part of the dream.  Here's the freaky part.  One of the documents they show me is an adoption investigation report that's already been completed.  Now, IRL I do the occasional adoption investigation (I know, that makes no sense and I'm completely unqualified.  That's government work for you.), and we include stuff in the reports like the highest level of education the adoptive parents have achieved, what kind of work they do, how long they've been doing it, whether they've been in the military, whether they have criminal records. . . .   The report in my dream had a whole beginning section about their formative years, and it had representative movie clips embedded in it.  Whenever you got to that part of the report, you had to watch the clip (until I finally figured out how to fast-forward past them).  The first clip was called "That Girl," but Marlo Thomas was not involved.  It was what an early 60s movie of a lesbian pulp novel would have been like, if anyone had ever made such a movie.  The women in it were dressed like Jackie Kennedy, and there was a part where you knew they were going to kiss, and then the camera cut away.  The other two movies were some kind of demented hybrid of Meet Me in St. Louis and Stagecoach, and Apocalypse Now.

So here's the meme-thang:  If someone were going to embed movie clips in a report on your formative years, what movies would they be from?:

yiddishkeit, work, dream

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