So it's been almost a year since I went vegan. And one of the awesome side effects of veganism is that my insulin sensitivity improved. And I lost weight. So my blood sugar went down.
Then I started reading what
these people have to say about diet and diabetes, all the fab research, and I started really cutting the fat. And I lost more weight. And my blood sugar went down.
And the last time I went to the doctor my blood sugar and A1c were normal. Normal, as in not diabetic! Normal, as in maybe I'm not going to go blind and have a leg amputated and die of kidney disease! Even though I ate an awful lot of Newman-Os and worse crap for someone who is supposed to be on a diabetic diet, along with the wholegrainsbeansfruitsvegetables. My numbers were so fabulous that the doctor said keep this up and we'll talk about reducing your medication.
So now we're doing this wellness challenge thing, and doing all this exercise and eating all these veggies, and I thought, you know, it's been a long time since I checked my blood sugar, both because I am bad about that and because I am so fabulous, I probably don't need to check it.
So you know what it was today? 127. Below 100 is normal. Above 100 is you'd better watch it, you're prediabetic. 126 is diabetes. Fuck.
So today I am lugging a composition book around with me and writing down my blood sugar, what I eat, how much water I drink and what exercise I'm doing. And I'm munching raw carrots when I really want a poppy seed bagel. And I'm worried.
Because maybe this uptick in blood sugar is because I've been sloppy with the diet. And that sucks, because I was really enjoying being sloppy, and maybe I can't afford to be sloppy any more.
So okay. I need to follow the diet better. Munch, munch, munch, my eyesight is better already. I have broccoli in the freezer here at work for when I run out of carrots. But what if I do that, what if I never eat another Newman-O, and I get worse anyway? Because that shit happens. Fuck.
Chronic disease is really not fun at all. Not fun, people. Crunch.