(no subject)

Jul 25, 2024 08:52

It may be hot, but at least I'm having a better time than the people who were stuck on board a Tokai Kisen ship that was adrift all day and night yesterday, with their misfortune being broadcast on TV and livestreamed on the internet all day, too... ^^;;; Having visited the Izu islands a couple of times myself on those ships, it's easy to imagine what it would feel like T_T  To be honest I think I would be pretty chill I was on it though, I know I don't get seasick at least... It'd just be a shame of the time wasted if you only had a 2~3 day holiday planned to enjoy the islands... ^^;;; I hope those poor people will receive some great hospitality and fresh seafood on Oshima, and some alternate transportation onward to Niijima/Shikinejima... (Or back to Tokyo if that's where they'd rather go...)

It's been 36~38 degrees during the daytime, dropping down to maybe 30~32 at night for the past week, so for now I'm just pretending that I get to enjoy a free sauna (or maybe even some relaxing ganban'yoku) in the comfort of my own home, taking regular cold baths or showers to cool off... How luxurious! X'D

To help with the heat, I got myself some cool harem pants, after a friend's recommendation that they felt great to wear in hot weather. And after wearing them for a day, I'm inclined to agree!  I have a couple of hakama-style skirts already, and these have a similar effect, but this material is seems more breezy than those, and it's a different style too for some variation ^o^
Anyway, speaking of summer plans... I somehow ended up with a ticket to Nelke Festa, after all! I'd failed all the lotteries, so I'd given up on it, but a friend who did have tickets for herself and her sister couldn't go anymore, so she asked if I wanted to buy the set of two off her for the original price... So I said yes immediately xD I didn't have anyone to go with yet, but seeing how many different fandoms are represented, including Toumyu and Tenimyu, I was sure I could find another friend to come with me... And I think I just did! She just needs to confirm she can get the time off work, but she's a hard-core Toumyu fan, so I'm pretty sure that she will. ...That reminds me...*I* still need to get time off work to go, too, lol. I agreed without even confirming first, knowing how easy my company is about taking random days off. xD But seeing as it's in the Budoukan, which is pretty close to the office, worst case I could just work at the office that day and leave an hour or two earlier. ^^;
I also got a Tenimyu ticket, just by applying via ePlus and hitting on the first try! That's also on a weekday, but we'll be getting a few days off for Obon around that time, so no troubles there... Then I also bought a resale ticket for the new Toumyu Sanki, because I failed all the lotteries for that to and I do really want to go, way more badly than NelFes T_T  The only reasonably priced tickets were also for weekdays though, so I guess there's another day off I need to plan, haha. It's a good excuse to actually use my paid holidays though, I have so many saved up ^^;  If only it weren't in Tachikawa I might've combined it with a visit to the new sword exhibition at the Miraikan... Then again... the show only starts in the evening, so I might as well go to the museum in the morning even if it means traveling back and forth a lot in one day... Trains are air conditioned, so that doesn't sound half bad actually...!)

touken ranbu, weather, tenimyu, random

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