We Can Be Heroes

Nov 02, 2008 21:10

Yesterday, I did very little. And it was awesome. I read some comics and watched some downloaded TV. I also uploaded Halloween pictures to Facebook, which were taken both last week and on Friday. That inspired me to start trying to go through my pictures from all of 2008 and upload them to Flickr. I'm terribly behind in doing that, save for IC2008 pictures. I managed to get up to March or thereabouts, but obviously, I still have a long way to go.

Today, acappellasinger, Tim, and I, plus Melanie, Gary, and Laura (who I didn't really know), ventured northward to Syracuse to attend Syracuse Heroes Expo. It was actually the second day of the show. I thought about going up there yesterday, but at some point decided that I needed a day to myself at home much more than I needed to spend time and money in Syracuse. Ultimately, I think it was for the best; my group only spent about two hours at the show, but that was really good enough for me. I know Alan could have spent all day (or both days) going through the back issue boxes, but there were few enough vendors with stuff I was remotely interested in that I was able to move through them swiftly. I found some trade paperbacks and even a few back issues that I needed wanted, but I didn't spend nearly as much as I did at either last year's Syracuse Heroes Expo or New York Comic Con earlier this year. We collectively left after a mere two hours. Alan, Tim, and I split off from the others who ventured back towards Cortland and Ithaca while we stuck around in Syracuse. Originally, we were going to hit up one or two of the comic book stores up there, but instead, we ended up having lunch at PJ's Pub and Grill. I had a tasty club sandwich, and I think Tim and Alan enjoyed their respective burgers. We also checked out the Sound Garden, where of course Alan had a great time. I actually bought something as well, a used copy of Weezer's Pinkerton album, the one Weezer album I never managed to own before today. I was also confused by finding two different versions (one domestic, one Argentinian) of the same Best of David Bowie CD I wanted, though each contained somewhat different track listings, yet each had certain tracks I wanted. I ended up buying neither since I couldn't decide.

And then we headed back to Ithaca.
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