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QuizGalaxy.com The past couple have been just filled with good conversations. Frog repeatedly, Dominic, Waiter from Bakers Square, Brian... it's been grand. I fucking love good conversations. Revealing, interesting, keeping you on the edge of your sweet, waiting for the next statement to fall from their lips.
Spring break is over and I want to cry. But I only have 21 days where I have to still be inside of Marian. I could cry from that too. In that really really really fucking happy way.
I for sure have a prom date now. And I'm happy. Now I just have to remember to buy tickets. And get that form back from Michael. I'll get it all squared away. I need shoes. ::sigh::
I'm kind of sleepy and we're having a Lauroshereoghan reunion today. It's gonna be neat. Yay food!
Did I tell you people what Lauroshereoghan is? I am always doing combination names, if you remember my famous Jossa. Then it was Frojeremosh. For Frog, Jeremy, and Josh. One night over break, Frog and I were discussing how there should be a combination name for all of us. And now there is. Lauroshereoghan. LAURen,jOSH,jEREmy,frOG,megHAN. We are fantastic. Pronounced Lor-osh-er-og-en.
Haha, I love my friends.
I miss my Krissa.
I hungee. Me want foooooodddd.
What a strange update.
Much <3 + Peaces,
Boo Boo Kitty Fuck