This Journal has been cleaned.

Jun 16, 2015 19:20

Old journal of mine but one I know many people seemed to enjoy. If I brought you a little amusement in the past, that makes me happy. This journal is NOT being deleted forever soley due to this and how much I know how much it sucked when one of my fav RPers would delete their own accounts. Nostalgia is fun.

As of now, every post is friends only. You may request if you aren't already on my friends list to be added in order to read the posts. Other then that, this journal (not the character) has been retired for the Dreamwidth move that happened several years ago.

Your best bet to get into contact to me is send me a PM through here, AIM me at Softspokenmedic or mail me at moepyro(at)gmail(dot)com. Sorry, plurk isn't my thing and I deleted mine. I just didn't see much of a point and if people need to talk to me I'm sure they'll reach out to me.

To all those I played with in the past, I wish you the best and hope you are doing well. Let's keep looking forward and stay positive.