May 16, 2010 11:17
My husband brought me bbq'd ribs yesterday. Happy happy belly. I totally pigged out. After weeks of hospital food and everyone asking me what I had a taste for, I was having a hard time coming up with anything ... then I totally got a taste for ribs ....
Hopefully now that will kick my body back into gear. I have worked so hard over the past two years to gain twenty pounds and now each week it's slipping away little by little. So frustrating.
Well, I don't want to think about that today, I rather think of my husband. My love. As hard as it is for me to be in here, I can only imagine how hard it is for him too. Watching his wife wither.
I want to ly next to him in our bed, go out to dinner, go on vacation, walk our dog together, even just drive around in the car together (going no where in particular, just driving around). I am keeping up hope for this lung transplant so that we can do all of that again. Just live. Nothing fancy. Just be us.
I love him more than I can say. I can't quite even explain it. They say when you get married you always get cold feet at some point. I never did. I never questioned if I was marrying the right person. I never had to, I knew it was right. To this day, I can't even think of myself with anyone else or without him. I knew something was different the first time I kissed him (which was loooong before we ever started dating .. he he). I still go weak in the knees when he kisses me.
Do we have the perfect relationship? No. We both have our flaws. I have no delirium that this is a fairy tale. But even though we are both imperfect, I tell my husband that we are perfect for each other. We are like yin and yang and somehow it all seems to balance out.
Having someone that loves you so much that they would move heaven and earth to do anything for you is a wonderful feeling. Even better when you feel the same way about them. When something good happens to him it is even better than if it happened to me. I something bad happens to him, it is even worse than if it happened to me.
OK, maybe I am living my own fairy tale. Except the princess has a bi-pap machine strapped across her head instead of a crown and I would bet you your last dollar that the prince (my husband) wishes he could fix all my ailments with just one kiss.