Feb 25, 2009 00:34
So, in talking with one of my co-workers, it sounds like there might be a problem in getting hired on at Blockbuster while I'm working at Hastings. Namely, they might see it as a "conflict of interest," since I could theoretically compare prices or whatever. I still hope they'll give me a chance, though, because if they can guarantee me more hours/better pay, I'd quit Hastings in a heartbeat if it came to that.
To be honest, before I started there, every time I would try to visualize myself at Hastings, I'd keep seeing myself on the other side of the road, at Blockbuster. Even when I'm trying to give directions I get it backwards. I guess that's my subconscious telling me I'm supposed to be at Blockbuster instead, so maybe I should've applied there first.