This Is Why I Love Nippon Ichi Soft

Oct 17, 2009 01:48

I already knew there were a lot, but an article on TVTropes pointed out just how many references are crammed into the Disgaea games. In particular, I learned that all the Martial Artist class's ranks in Disgaea 3 are references to various fighting games. The ranks are Fury Fatalist, Fight Artist, Champ of Fighters, Viper Fighter, Lethal Combatant, and Boulevard Fighter.

The one that caught my attention was Viper Fighter. The referenced game, Fighting Vipers, was one of my all-time favorite games back in "the day" (it's one of the reasons I will never regret getting a Saturn when it first came out), but has pretty much faded into obscurity these days. Seeing somebody make a reference to it is just... yes.

modern gaming, random thoughts, i am a nerd, old school gaming

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